The Plant-Based Theory:
The idea that achieving optimal health requires prioritizing a diet rich in a diverse variety of plant foods.
Believe it or not, not everyone with poor gut health has gut symptoms. Those who do, may suffer from symptoms such as bloating, reflux, gas, constipation, diarrhea, weight gain, and/or food reactions. Sometimes these symptoms are so bad, you may find yourself constantly scouting out bathroom locations or avoiding foods you love.
Poor gut health can cause mental health to decline. Symptoms often present as brain fog, depression, anxiety, memory loss, mood changes, and/or low energy/fatigue. You may find yourself taking antidepressants or isolating/withdrawing from activities or people you love. Or simply pretending you're happy, when you're not.
Skin/join issues are some common red flags of a decline in gut health. You may experience skin rashes (e.g. eczema, dermatitis), swollen joints/arthritis, weak/tired muscles, and/or exercise intolerance. You might constantly feel itchy, stiff, and swollen. You may start seeking out creams and pain killers as remedies.
Here's the harsh truth: a decline in gut health is not to be taken lightly. The saying "all disease begins in the gut" is accurate. If poor gut health is not addressed, symptoms can snowball into bigger issues like heart disease, dementia, diabetes, colon cancer, autoimmune disease... the list goes on.
The good news, is that all downstream symptoms improve simultaneously when you heal your gut. Heal your gut, and your brain and body will follow. It's that simple. Don't wait for your symptoms to snowball; start healing now.
Within mere weeks, you could reduce your symptoms, have your energy back, and increase your desire to engage in your favorite hobbies or hang out with your favorite people again. Use the form below to start the healing process.
Sarasota, Florida, United States
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Nothing said or implied on this site is intended diagnose or prevent disease. The information does not take the place of a health care practitioner. It is for educational purposes only.
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